Minnesota Medicine Magazine
The Joy of Medicine by Dr. Corey Martin
Dr. Corey Martin explores how to redefine what it means to be a physician vs. what it takes to be a person with needs for rest, connection, love, exercise and laughter.
Minnesota Family PHysician
A Journey from Surviving to Thriving
Dr. Corey Martin describes the life changing work of the Bounce Back Project inspired by Brené Brown’s research.
american academy of Family PHysicians
Colleagues Deaths Inspired FP to Bounce Back by David Mitchell
On a fall day in 2014, family physician Corey Martin, M.D., walked into his hospital's same-day surgery center where his patient was scheduled for a colonoscopy. Although there was nothing remarkable about the procedure, Martin remembers the day clearly because it was the day after a pediatrician had taken his own life in the hospital chapel.
Minneapolis ST. Paul Magazine
Paging Dr. Burnout by Sheila Eldred
Sheila Eldred explores physician burnout and interviews Dr. Corey Martin to explore the exhaustion and depression that physicians are experiencing.
men’s health
How mentally fit are you? by Mike Kessler and Marty Munson
In this article, Dr. Corey Martin is interviewed by Mike Kessler and Marty Munson and talks about how perfectionism and vulnerability are mortal enemies.
Minnesota Medicine
Leadership Training by Physicians, for Physicians
Dr. Martin is lead faculty with this newly developed physician leadership training program co-sponsored by the Minnesota Medical Association and Carlson School of Business at the University of Minnesota.
re-mind yourself: Healing through travel and connection
Dr. Corey Martin discussing physician wellness and Bounce Travels with Physician life coach Michelle Chestovich MD.
Be wellcast: The Link between health and happiness
Dr. Corey Martin speaks with BlueCross BlueShield of North Dakota about the road to health and re-training our minds to be happy. He connects the dots between happiness and health an shares tools to reorient your brain.
The stfm podcast: Bringing the joy back with dr. corey martin
Dr. Corey Martin and Dr. Saria Saccocio discuss what separates a good leader from a great one and explore resilience and burnout.
Rebel and be well: Health through happiness with dr. corey martin
Dr. Corey Martin has a conversation with Christa Rymal about three pillars contributing to burnout and offers strategies for individuals and communities to foster long-term change.
High Impact Physician, part 1: the unexpected deaths of two physician friends
Dr. Corey Martin shares his story of how the death of two fellow physicians changed his life forever. He also talks about taking on a CMO role after 5 years of practice.
High Impact Physician, part 2: How to manage furloughs and early retirement
Recorded during the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Corey Martin discusses how perfectionism is a liability for physicians during Covid-19, how to maintain relationships during Covid-19, and how his physicians are adapting to virtual care and what that may suggest about early retirement.
High Impact Physician, part 3: the research supporting gratitude and random acts of kindness
Dr. Corey Martin shares the research behind incorporating gratitude into your morning routine and the research behind random acts of kindness. He shares successes from the Bounce Back Project and how they've reduced the need for emergency mental health support by 40% amongst teens in their community.
Conversations with a hounded healer
Dr. Corey Martin and Sarah Buino discuss the crisis amongst healthcare professionals, the power of community leaders sharing their own vulnerability, and the incredible impact his Bounce Back Project has had in his corner of the world.