Speaking Engagements
CUSTOM-PHASED workshops created for your organizational needs.
We regularly work with organizations and conference and event planners to deliver specific topics. We can help assess the needs and then devise specific themes and topics that help you develop the tools and mindsets to succeed. Dr. Martin will often speak about the following topics: resiliency, gratitude, relationships, mindsets, building trust, perfectionism, grief and forgiveness, values, and boundaries.
Topics for leadership development seminars and keynotes
Dare to Lead is a courage building program based on the evidence and research of Dr. Brené Brown. Leaders who participate will learn skills to have hard conversations, hold themselves and others accountable, lead with empathy and connection, build trust, give and receive feedback, and pick yourself back up quickly after disappointments and setback. This 24-hour workshop, facilitated by Dr. Martin, a Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator™, focuses on courage as a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable.
Individuals who successfully complete the full 24 hour Dare to Lead program will receive a certificate of completion and are allowed to put a Dare to Lead Trained badge on their LinkedIn account
Further information is available at https://daretolead.brenebrown.com
Being courageous and authentic is “in style”. Yet most of us will not ever let our guard down, and instead of being ourselves, live each day covered in armor in our workplaces and homes. These interactive sessions focus on the courage it takes to be authentic and vulnerable and how to rise after you fall. This 8-16 hour workshop is based on the research of Brené Brown, one of the world’s leading experts on courage, vulnerability, and resilience.
Further information is available at https://thedaringway.org/
INnovations In Resilience KEYNOTES
Moving From Surviving to Thriving
Burnout is epidemic in healthcare and many other professions. Dr. Martin talks about how common burnout is and the consequences to our personal wellbeing, the organizations we work for and the people and patients we care for. He shares simple, efficient techniques to combat and prevent burnout and improve our relationships with our loved ones, colleagues, customers, and patients.
Duration: 1 - 2 hours
Target audiences: healthcare, workplace, education, general interest, wellness, churches
Review current state of burnout in healthcare providers and the tie to quality, safety, experience and retention.
Understand the power of strong relationships on our health, happiness and longevity.
Identify opportunities to be “everyday leaders” in our personal and work lives.
Understand the association between gratitude, health and happiness.
Understand the “three good things” gratitude tool and be able to incorporate into their daily life.
Discuss the importance of Random Acts of Kindness on our overall happiness.
Understand how to write an effective gratitude letter.

Reconnecting in of World of Disconnection and Social Isolation
Since Covid-19, do you feel like you have lost your mojo? Do you find it difficult to connect with friends, family and colleagues? When you scroll through social media, do you wonder how people can really think that way? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, we are more alike than different AND if given the chance, we could once again have meaningful, connecting conversations that would fill our hearts and connect us in ways that we long for? This talk is a powerful, experiential session based on the principles of the Center for Courage and Renewal that will help you understand how much power and control you have to make a meaningful difference in creating the connected life we all long for.
Duration: 1 -2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Understand ways that we can all help build connection and community.
Build an awareness of how it feels to be labeled as “different”.
Identify ways to meaningfully, personally reconnect in times of disconnection and social isolation.
The Power of Social Connection
The quality of our relationships is best predictor of our long term health, happiness, and longevity. In this talk, Dr. Martin discusses the importance of relationships and the detrimental effects loneliness has on our communities and our own mental and physical wellbeing.
Duration: One hour
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches
Understand the power of strong relationships on our health, happiness and longevity.
Understand that we are all leaders in this work and be able to identify opportunities that we have every day to incorporate resilience in our personal and work lives.
Understand the prevalence of loneliness and the importance loneliness plays on our health.
Be able to identify “4am friends” in your life.

The Science of Gratitude
Scientists have tied gratitude to greater health, happiness, and joy in social relationships at home, work, and in our communities. Dr. Martin offers a scientific perspective on gratitude and techniques that result in improved health, happiness, and longevity.
Duration: One hour
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches
Understand the association between gratitude, health and happiness.
Review the health effects of positivity on immune function, longevity, and cardiac function.
Understand the science of happiness behind the “three good things” gratitude tool and be able to incorporate it into their daily life.
Discuss the importance of Random Acts of Kindness on our overall happiness.
Understand how to write an effective gratitude letter.
Mindset Matters. The importance of mindset on stress and wellness
Our mindset and how we approach situations have significant implications for our health, happiness, and patient outcomes. Dr. Martin talks about the science behind mindset and how our mindset of stress impacts our work, our health, and the people around us.
Duration: One hour
Target audiences: Healthcare, education, wellness, workplace, general interest, churches
Understand the role of mirror neurons in our emotional health.
Understand the role mindset plays in stress.
Identify at least 3 ways that mindset can improve health and wellbeing.

Anatomy of Trust
This talk takes a deep dive into what it means when we say “we don’t trust someone”. Participants learn tips and tricks on how to build trusting relationships in their organizations and their personal lives and how that leads to less burnout and more meaning and joy in our lives.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Discuss the importance of trust and psychological safety in building great teams.
Discuss how building relationships with members of the team builds trust.
Develop a framework for building trust in organizations and our relationships.
B.I.G. (Boundaries, Integrity, and Generosity of Assumption) Principles
This talk combines the principles of everyday leadership, and personal and organizational resilience into a deep dive into how our perspective of other’s actions and the difficulty we have setting boundaries and holding people accountable undermine our search for joy, meaning, and purpose in our lives.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Identify at least one boundary to set to be more generous in your assumptions.
Discuss the barriers healthcare providers face in building relationships and leading teams.
Develop a framework for building trust in organizations and our relationships.

Healing the Wounds of Yesterday, Dealing with Ambiguous Grief
This session will introduce you to how ambiguous grief shows up in our work and personal lives. We will explore the role that judgement plays in hindering us to deal with grief and how forgiveness allows us to unchain ourselves from fear, pain and resentment.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Understand the role that loss, longing, and feeling lost have in our feelings of grief.
Identify ways in which ambiguous grief shows up in our work and personal lives.
Understand the role that judgement plays in hindering us dealing with our grief.
Understand that forgiveness allows us to unchain ourselves from the perpetrator.
Letting go of Perfectionism
This talk combines the principles of everyday leadership and personal resilience for a deep dive into understanding the role perfectionism has in our daily lives. We will discuss the roll perfectionism had in our training, and how it is commonly mistakenly for healthy striving. We will discuss approaches to combat the negative effects of perfectionism and how to give ourselves permission to let go of unhealthy perfectionistic tendencies and to treat our self with compassion.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Understand how pervasive the culture of perfectionism is and its connection to shame.
Identify how we use perfectionism as one of the tools of numbing our emotions.
Understand the role perfectionism had in our training in healthcare.
Understand how to combat the negative effects of perfectionism.
Understand the difference between perfectionism and healthy striving.

The Recipe for Being a Good ______....(friend, leader, spouse, colleague)
Do you wish you always knew just what to say? When bad things happen to those around you, are you afraid of saying the wrong thing and so then just say nothing? This talk combines the principles of everyday leadership, personal and organizational resilience to gain insights about why we do these things and how to overcome them with simple techniques focused on perspective taking, empathy and self-compassion.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Select tools that can be used to promote personal self-care/resiliency.
Name at least two practices of self-compassion.
Discuss the difference between empathy and sympathy.
Need More Time?
Do you feel like you just never have enough time? This talk combines principles of everyday leadership, personal and organizational resilience, into a powerful session that will help you understand how you sabotage yourself into believing you don’t have enough time in your life. We will get clear on the values that allow you to create time and space for the things that matter and help you build a support system to find joy, meaning and purpose in your life.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours of course material
Target audiences: Workplace, healthcare, education, general interest, wellness, churches.
Identify 3 core values for their life.
Identify at least one current routine activity that undermines your stated values and priorities.
Choose at least one new action to support your values and prioritize your time.